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Ultrasound for Orthopedic & Sports Medicine

Ultrasound for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Ultrasound for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

During the last decades in medicine, the evolution of ultrasound in medicine has grown considerably. Specifically ultrasound for orthopedics & sports medicine, consequently helping in musculoskeletal problems. We first started using ultrasound in the obstetric world to visualize the new life of the fetus. First of all, we could check for any abnormalities in the development process. Ultrasound has also been used to look inside the body and diagnose soft tissue problems. Organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, uterus, and many other intra-abdominal organs can be seen. As the knowledge of orthopedic and musculoskeletal specialists grows. Ultrasound is being used for more and more applications. 

Ultrasound also uses a transducer that is connected to a computer (ultrasound machine) to transmit sound waves that are then processed. The computer system can display the image of the specific structure that is displayed in seconds.

best ultrasound for orthopedics sports medicine

Why use ultrasound in orthopedics and sports medicine

The ultrasound gives the doctor a quick and safe objective look at the soft tissues. Furthermore it can help find the problem the patient may have. Also this will help your doctor get a more accurate diagnosis and a better treatment plan. Ultrasound for Orthopedic & Sports Medicine has truly being a game changer when it comes to our practice.


Is an ultrasound all I need to diagnose my problem?

Each orthopedic problem is unique and each patient’s situation is different. Although the use of ultrasound can often provide the diagnosis, sometimes the doctor may need additional tests. Lastly the doctor might order X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs as needed. Ultrasound for Orthopedic & Sports Medicine can really help the provider get to the root of the problem.


Advantages of ultrasound

–  Fast, economical and reliable

-Also is cover by insurance coverage, insurance does not require prior authorization. This means that the doctor can perform the ultrasound on the same day of the visit without having to ask for pre-insurance approval.

– Secondly, it has no contraindications

– Also it is safe for pregnancy, children and the elderly.

– In addition there is no exposure to radiation

– Also ,it can be performed on patients who have metal fittings.

– Lastly, Can help with procedures.


best ultrasound for orthopedics sports medicine

Disadvantages of ultrasound

Depends on the operator. Our biggest limitation is that very few physicians are trained in the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound.

– You cannot see through the bone, this limits the complete visualization of intra-articular problems (within the joints).

What are some of the most common orthopedic problems an ultrasound can detect?

– Tears or inflammation of the tendons

Ligament tears or sprains

– muscle tears or strains

– swelling

– bruises

– Many other acute or chronic injuries. 

If you have a musculoskeletal condition or injury, ultrasound imaging will most likely be part of your diagnosis and treatment plan. Seeking a doctor with advanced knowledge in ultrasound imaging could lead to a safer, more affordable, and more accurate treatment. Dr. Gonzalez is among the leading ultrasound operators in South Florida. Call us to discuss whether ultrasound can be used to help your case.

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